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Thesis Doctord in architecture, Art and interior decoration

Home Forums Architecture Thesis Doctord in architecture, Art and interior decoration

This topic contains 0 replies, searched 1 voice, and was last updated by Avatar of Federico Andferson Federico Andferson 10 years, 6 months ago.

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    Hello: Let me introduce myself; I am Federico Anderson, Argentine, Industrial Designer and a PhD in art. National University of La Plata. My Director was the architect. Fernando Gandolfi and the topic of discussion is on Interior of the generation of 1880 in Argentina. Relations between art and architecture and design. I leave the link to the Power Point and the direct link to the download of the Data Base of the University. I hope that my doctoral thesis is useful to the contribution. I seek to disseminate free and publicly public this information owned by a public University. Here is the link I hope find it interesting and useful: and monographs /18124863/Art - and-Design-from-furniture-Argentina-1860-1936.HTML /Documento_completo__.PDF?sequence = 3
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