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PRO version




Web site or Blog
Perfecto para crear tu Página Web o Blog con Perfect for creating your Web page or Blog with Además tienes tu y más prestaciones You also have free! your and many more features
5Mg suficiente para una página estándar 5 Mg, enough for a standard page 50 Mg, si quieres contenidos multimedia o poner muchas imágenes 50 Mg, If you like multimedia content or many images
Write your Blog
5 Artículos con publicidad 10 Articles with advertising Ilimitados, sin publicidad Unlimited, No advertising
Create pages
5 Páginas con publicidad 10 Pages with advertising Ilimitadas, sin publicidad Unlimited, No advertising
Customize appearance
Si Yes, 5 templates to choose the appearance of your website Si, más complementos Yes, more than 120 Templates and Add-ons
Participate in the forums
Si, 10 respuestas Yes, up to 10 answers Puedes tener tus propios foros Unlimited participation and you can have your own forums in your Web
Customize your profile
Si Yes Si Yes, You can send emails to members of your groups
Belong to groups
Si Yes, you join groups according to your profile Si, puedes crear grupos públicos o privados y crear foros en tus grupos Yes, You can create public or private groups and create forums in your groups
Have friends
Si Yes, You can add other users to your friends with whom you can share concerns Si, puedes enviarles correo a todos los de un grupo Yes, You can send mail to all members of your group
Si, estandar Yes, standard Si, más de 20 aplicaciones profesionales adicionales Yes, more than 20 additional professional applications
Si Yes Sí, puedes Polls opinion of your visitors allowing you to vote your Blog content and knows its popularity.
Floating box of social networks
Si Yes Sí, puedes Add a floating box with recommendations to your website on social networks that slides next to your content.
Si Yes Sí, puedes Simple application that creates a slide pass on your Web.
Contact form
Si Yes Sí, puedes Contact form. Insert the form wherever you want.
Technical support
Sí, Instrucciones Escritas Yes, Instructions written and video tutorials Sí, soporte técnico por email Yes, also priority technical support by email
No Not Sí, puedes sincronizarlo a tu cuenta de Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, AOL, o usarlo con tu programa de correo o webmail desde cualquier lugar. Yes, FREE! While you are subscribed to the PRO Version. You can sync it to your Gmail account, Hotmail, Yahoo, AOL, or use it with your email or webmail program from anywhere.
No Not Redirecciona fácilmente cualquier Página o Artículo a otra de tu Web o a otra externa escribiendo su URL. Está aplicación también cambia los enlaces permanentes y menús para apuntar directamente a la nueva localización de la redirección para que los buscadores mantengan tu posición ayudando a las técnicas de SEO a ser más eficaces. Easily redirect any page or article by typing your URL to another website or to other external.
120 Web designs
No, solamente los estándar Not, only the standard Si, Puedes personalizar tu Web con más de 140 diseños. Yes, You can customize your website with more of 120 different designs.
Include Videos
No Not Si Yes, You can include videos from your Youtube account or personal
No Not Sí, chat con otros usuarios Yes, When you are in your account you can chat with your visitors or other users on our network
Blog from your mobile
No Not Sí, puedes publicar tus blogs desde tu móvil Yes, You can publish your blogs from your mobile
Delete advertising
No Not Sí, puedes Yes, can decicir if your website is tracked and also not have more advertising that which you put
Auto Blog
No Not Sí, puedes You can incorporate into your Blog automatically the content of other Blogs from the RSS feed....
Charge for downloads
No Not Sí, puedes Protect certain content, downloadable paying subscription or individually.
No Not Sí, puedes You can add discussion forums in the pages or items that you want from your Web.
Google Maps and Analytics
No Not Sí, puedes Customize Google Maps on your website and allow your visitors get the address in seconds. It incorporates Analytics and knows the location of your visitors and much more data.
Integration into Facebook
No Not Sí, puedes Easy integration into Facebook. Share your articles and publish them automatically on your wall.
Social marketing
No Not Sí, puedes Marketing of your website or Blog on social networks.
Pop-up window
No Not Sí, puedes You can put a pop-up on your website to the attention of your visitors, an advertisement, News. You can customize the window, Depending on the country of origin of the visitor and other options.
Customize Google
No Not Sí, puedes It replaces the standard search by customizing it with Google. It allows to obtain income to incorporate Google advertising ADS.
Customize the footer
No Not Sí, puedes You can customize the footer of page of all your articles or pages.
It protects some content
No Not Sí, puedes It allows you to protect certain content accessible via password while the rest remains in sight.
No Not Sí, puedes Create an option to raise funds for any purpose or project.
Subscribe by Email
No Not Sí, puedes You can afford the subscription of your visitors by e-mail to notify them of new pages in your Web publication.
No Not Sí, puedes Add a Wiki knowledge base to your website or Blog.

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